Saturday, November 22, 2008

A cowgirl luncheon OR you can take the girl out of TX but you can't take TX out of the girl

Are you tired yet of my harping on creative living.  I sure hope not!  I hope you wait patiently for every blog just to see if there might be something there you can use--something that will make someone's day a little brighter.  So, to serve you, my blog friend, I share another day in the life of a Creative Liver. I hope that title is not lost on you?  No?  Ah, good, let's carry on. (for my book group friends that last sentence is my Ode to a Reluctant Fundamentalist)

These pictures--Let me explain, No! there is too much. Let me sum up. (Any Princess Bride fans out there?)  My dear friend Karin who is both worldly and other worldly, who's blog I reference often, has a standing offer for a small group of us.  She will make us our favorite meal for our birthday lunch.  Martha gets burgers, Eileen lobster and grilled cheese (but not just any grilled cheese--tartufo cheese!) and I asked for indian (Karin spent some time living there!)  Each of our birthday luncheons were so spectacular that it made us blush.  For myself, no one had EVER spent that much time singularly pleasing me and my friends.  It was a true gift that even now eaten and long gone, stays with me for a very long time if not indefinitely. 
So, this year it was time to repay Karin and I took on the challenge for Martha and Eileen and I.  Karin's favorite?  Pulled Pork Sandwiches.  They were delicious and were served with a mustardy coleslaw and "candied Sweets" potato chips.  But the fun is truly in the details.  A stack of bandanas served as napkins and chair covers, plastic baskets held the authentic Texas looking pulled pork sandwiches, Dixie Chicks played in the background and Dr. Pepper a Texas invention was served in excess.
Most importantly, four busy women took a moment to recharge their batteries, pay homage to their friendship and caught up on life.  An afternoon well spent.  Sure it was some work putting it all together.  The date itself was changed 3 times to accomodate sick children, work schedules and a bad back.  The payback however was 10 fold.  

How can you thank someone today for making your day, week, month, life, better?    Need an idea, drop me a line.  I'd love to help.

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